Video Wall

LED video walls deliver real-life display colours and a seamless viewing experience. Each cabinet unit of display can work independently providing flexibility to create a LED wall in any size and shape. The distance between two pixels on a board is a pixel pitch, lower pixel pitches are suitable for shorter viewing distance & vice -versa.

Some advantages of using a video wall instead of a single large screen:
  • 1. Customizable LED layouts
  • 2. Greater screen area.
  • 3. Greater pixel density.
  • 4. Unusual shapes, sizes

Video walls are not limited to a single purpose but are now being used in dozens of different applications.

Our Solution Offering :

Control & Command Centres
Our Videowall applications eases the navigation through big data, multiple IP or analogy video streams and computer sources around the globe. Command and control video wall integrates all your mission critical information on a single digital canvas, allowing you to focus on important issues and make better, faster decisions.
Lobby Displays
Our large LED video walls create an intriguing and engaging visual experience that elevates your brand and makes a remarkable & lasting impression on your guests, when placed in your lobby or at business lounge. Our breath-taking imagery displays cane be used to greet, inform, direct or inspire guests with
Retail Visual Merchandising/ Digital Signage
Our Video wall solution ensures great communication opportunity in public venues. These digital signage displays can transform the experiences of shopping, working and socializing when used for informational messaging, advertising, entertainment. Create an impact with our show-stopping centrepiece LED display and boost your revenue.